Saturday, July 31, 2010
Dog Days of Summer
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Spread the Wealth
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Effecient Should Not Be Punished By the Recalcitrant Few
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Storm in the Gulf
My first recollection of a hurricane was Audrey. I can remember watching the small trees through the front window as they were almost horizontal. Audrey's storm surge killed over 500 people on the SW Louisiana coast. I remember Carla as most of the coastal area was evacuated and our high school was set up as an evacuee shelter and many of us students worked there. Alicia hit west of Houston and we saw a lot of rain and the Bolivar Peninsula received damage. Numerous other "named" storms effected the area; Beulah, Bonnie, Carmen, Camille, Francis, Allison, etc..
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It's Nice to Be Outside
Living on the bayou has certain benefits if you enjoy nature. Deer grazing in the pasture as the new born fawns frolick about. Cardinals building a nest in the azalea bush outside your kitchen window. Pileated woodpeckers flying from tree to tree as red tail hawks soar overhead. The sudden swoop of a large owl at dusk. Evidence that armadillo were digging up grub worms. Occasionally, I very large snake will appear on the porch. Once you have smelled the stench from a cotton mouth water moccasion, you will never forget it. The damn deer will eat yourtomato plants and flowers. Fire ants will build mounds and sting for no particular reason. June bugs are everywhere. And the spiders!! Not to mention the neighborhood dogs that crap in your yard. AHHH!!
Oh, sorry. The trees are plentiful. We have several species of virgin oak and pine
There are hickory, sweetgum, dogwood and magnolia growing freely. During the fall you get to enjoy the breeze gently blowing through the trees
And during hurricane season, well that's another matter all together
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Blind Hog Finds an Acorn Every once in awhile
Being a Lamar University College Baseball fan, I wanted to wait until their season was over. I then realized that this would be the year that Craig Biggio would reach 3000 hits. To determine the date I developed some complicated mathematical formulas and selected the date with the highest probability he would get 3000. (Actually, I figured he would hit .240, sit out day games and the Astros would hold him out of the line-up if he was likely to get that hit on the road). Anyway that date came and we were in the stands. Biggio was three hits short of 3000. A habit I learned from my parents, we arrived at Minute Maid Park early and had some time to take some pictures. One of my high school friends, Dr. Gene Coleman, is the strength and conditioning coach for the 'Stros. Before the game I decided to take a few pictures of Gene. That's when the luck really began. The above picture not only includes my old buddy, but #7 Biggio. Also, stretching is ladies heart throb, Brad Ausmus and current Astro Hunter Pence. I have no idea about #85's identity. As "real luck" would have it the DuPont stock ticker was scrolling by. I worked for DuPont for 38+ years.
In summary, Biggio got the three hits + two more to put him over the 3000 mark. Sure Hall of Fame numbers for someone that played the game the way it should be played. Oswalt started the game, pitched 7 innings and gave up one earned run. Berkman hit a homer in the late innings to get Houston back in the game. Carlos Lee hit a "walk-off" home run in the 11th inning to give Houston the win.
This was one of the Top Five Baseball games I have ever seen.