When you live in the country with the bayou as your property line, sooner or later you are going to encounter some snakes. I have never seen a rattlesnake here, but have numerous encounters with many other species. Several cottonmouths have been found on the back porch and a few other locations. I once got bit by a copperhead while cleaning up after Hurricane Rita, but it didn't inject any venom. I was wearing gloves and it felt like a wasp sting. I still have the fang marks on my finger.
However, the two moments that gave me the most angst involved other species.
Many years ago I was sound asleep when my daughter woke me up at 3:00am saying, "There is a snake in the den." While not fully awake, I blurted out, "Go watch it", while I find something to dispose of it. All I could find was a small curtain rod. When I went into the den, there it was on the mat between the den and the kitchen. The snake was red and yellow and black. Considering it was early, I was not fully awake and about to wet my pants, I decided not to take any chances on getting that riddle I learned in grade school correct. So, I bludgeoned it. I then turned around to see my daughter was standing on top of the pool table. Turned out it was "red next to black", a 15 inch milk snake.
The other situation involved a rather large king snake in the barn.
We had a couple of horses and the back corner of the barn was enclosed. Hay was stacked in the back of the barn and the feed was in two 30 gal. fiber drums in the front. The saddles were on the right side and the bridles were hanging on some hooks just inside and to the right of the door. I kept a broom in there to sweep out the loose hay. Even though I dislike snakes I disliked rats even more. A large snake of some kind had made its home in the feed room and I left it alone to keep the rats out.
I fed the horses twice a day and I usually was looking for the snake. But the times I forgot about the snake was when it would scare the crap out of me. This went on for some time. Each time I forgot to look for the snake, it would be there. I decide to end this heart stopping scenario after one such incident. I had this dog that would kill snakes and decided it was time to call her to action.
The snake had crawled into some loose hay and I got the broom to sweep out the loose hay in the front of the feed room to give the dog room to work. As I moved the pile of hay to the door opening, I was somewhat apprehensive, but reasonable sure the snake was not in that pile. With a big thrust I swept most of the pile out the door. Suddenly, at my feet appeared the snake. With several large "Whoops", I beat the snake with the broom only to realize I was beating the shadow of the reins hanging by the door.
I never saw that snake again and I moved the reins to the other side of the barn.