Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Right vs. Prejudice

After spending 38 years as a supervisor/manager in a non union company, I had many grievances, complaints, disputes, etc. to evaluate and pass judgement.  It was pounded into me early in my career that I wore two hats in my role(s).  I was obviously the company's representative to those I was responsible for as well as the people's representative to the company.  If a large company wants to remain non-union, the rank and file must feel that this representation is fair or they will pursue organizing. 

It took me several years to get beyond the emotion of a grievance as I initially felt compelled to side with the company first.  Often I would take a criticism of the company personal and my emotions would tend to defend the company position first.  After handling numerous grievances and receiving guidance from a couple of outstanding bosses and leaders, I eventually moved to getting passed the emotion and dealt with the facts.

Once I accepted the fact I personally didn't have the need to be "right", I became a much more effective leader.  By removing my emotion from each issue, it became easier to look only at the facts and make decisions.   Not always what the grievant wanted but what I felt was the logical decision.

I once had a manager that told me he expected me to handle the grievances.  The employees could appeal to a higher level if not satisfied with my decision.  He did say that if I had this "need to be right" I should consult with him before making a decision as he would do what "he" felt was right.
Otherwise, it was my job as he wanted employees to have a fair appeal process. 

On one such occasion I had a grievance that involved some vacation request as to whom could be off.
There was a lot of gray areas to consider and no concrete rules to apply.  Recalling what he said, I reviewed it with the boss and told him what my decision was gonna be.  After asking me about 100 questions, he said he didn't agree with me, and if I stuck with my answer and the employee appealed, he would overrule me.  Nevertheless, I stuck with my guns and declined the employees request.  He handled it like a man, but said he didn't agree and wanted to see the big boss.  I told him I would set it up. As I shook his hand and he walked out the door, I called him by name and said, "I think you will like the boss"  I was right.

After having many years of similar experiences,  I tend to be neutral on issues until I can see all the sides.  Although I tend to be conservative in beliefs, I do not agree with everything identified as conservative.  I do not consider myself a Republican or Democrat, but prefer to be identified as a Conservative Independent.

My opinion of what is happening in this country is that most people identify themselves as one side or the other.  Their efforts tend to be trying to support or defend their side without trying to look at the entire issue.  No attempt to get to the root cause of things.  One of my subordinates once told me when looking at some new operating equipment, people will find what they want.  If they like it they will see only the good.  If not, only the negative.

My belief is that President Obama has polarized the country into two groups.  All of their efforts are aimed at supporting or defending the liberal or conservative positions and not spending the effort to find out what is "the right thing to do". 

I think that was proven this week when Justice Ruth Ginsberg denounced Trump as a Presidential candidate.  The Supreme Court should be the ultimate group looking for right.  From my limited high school civics  knowledge, I thought the role of the Supreme Court was to review law against the Constitution of the US and rule based on the facts, not whether they are conservative or liberal or by whom they were appointed.  For one of the highest mediators, she should not be taking any public action based upon her personal ideology.  To me this just shows what has happened in the greatest democracy in the world.

I'm not thrilled with either of our Presidential candidates as I don't think either choice will be looking beyond their own personal agendas.  I hate to admit it, but I will be voting for the one I distrust the least.